February 5, 2012

Perfectly crappy to happy week.

This week started off as probably one of the most frustrating upsetting stressful weeks I've had in a while... just exams and lack of sleep was getting to me. As the week progressed, it started to turn into one of the best weeks I've had in a while.

I spent the remainder of the week after exams with my friends and boyfriend. Skating, shopping and eating... AHAH that's actually what my week consisted of but... what can be more perfect than that? Honestly had the most worry free weekend of my life (even after getting that 60% on my biology exam...)
Spent a good few hours yesterday jamming at my friends place too. Practicing for our performance at the volunteer dinner (we're singing... HUZZAAA!) But singing is only my thing when I'm alone in the house LOL I'm to embarrassed to sing in front of people but... it's starting to work out haha ^^". We ordered pizza and sand to the delivery guy too but our friend got embarrassed and closed the door on us :c. It was pretty fun yesterday... considering I usually don't sing much in public LOL.

But wait!... there's more. As if my week couldn't get any better... just to cap and tail (HAHA bio mRNA replication reference...)it all off... my friend who went to the Dumbfounded show got me a shoutout (here) from the man himself, Jonathan Park (Dumbfounded)... WAHAHAHAAH. He was pretty high at the time, but it just made the message so much more jokes. My friend also got me an autographed DFD CD... ;A;..... getting me so speechless but giddy... oh man. -spazz-
But the actual funny thing is..... this friend... I've only actually met one LOL (or well seen him for 3 days) and talked to him ONCE face to face. So technically we're still strangers.. but... WE'RE COOL! Tiny chatted a few times and Skyped ones...so you know, stranger danger doesn't apply any more. LMFAO I'm just joking (kids dont be like me... that's actually really bad and dangerous)but yea, we're I guess you can say "online" friends but we know each other in real life.
LOL okay... I'm done... that's my week... LOL the best week...... EVVAAAHHHHH

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