February 1, 2012


Finally slept for 8ish hours tonight... felt so good LOL. I would of slept longer but I had plans~~~

Went on a Second Cup chillage with the girls which was nice. Sippin on that hot chocolate / itallian soda and chattin about... dream jobs.. HAHA
We went skating afterwards with a bunch of friends over at the hall. Oh man... I haven't skated since...3 years ago? I SUCK NOW LOL. It was super fun though, teaching other friends how to skate, playing tag and wiping out big time (my ass hurtsssssssssss!). After 4 hours, everyone got tired and started leaving and the rest of us went to grab a bite and chilled at the mall. Ended up buying a matching cardigan with Zawar (yea not awkward at all :B LOL!).

I was pretty wiped out by 7:30. The rest of the people went to watch a movie, and so I ended up tagging along to Zemil and Nigel for an hour, watching Zemil eat... LOLOL.

Today was fun...Feelin super tired but happy though.
Although I only got to hang out Zemil for an hour/so... still sort of made my day I guess. -makes stupid smiley face-

Now.... time to clean my room (for like 100th time I've said this... LOL)

And about my eating clean challenge… today was a total fail after that cookie fight with Lukemas LOL

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