November 29, 2011

Day: what?

My fitness goal as already failed. I haven't been running at ALL, and sooner or later I'm not going to be able to bike to school because of the snow.
On a happier note though, I got a wrestling tournament this Thursday which I'm TOTALLY excited for but still know I'm going to lose because I'm not going to be as experienced as the rest of those girls. Honestly wish I joined wrestling in my earlier years. Perhaps I'll go to Mat-Man which is a whestling facility where they teach you new moves and you get to train. I heard its 10x harder than our softie practices and you'll come out dripping from sweat and crawling. AHHhh... Sounds fun though.

Well over the holidays I'm going to be doing a lot of baking, cooking and eating... So I got to start exercising and continue on during the break! So I searched up and devised a sort of "work out" for myself to help me stay at least... in the condition I am currently in.

15-30 minutes of cardio (because I honestly hate running)then 2 or 3 sets of: 15 triceps dips, 15 plank twists, 15 scissor kicks, 15 ab twists, 20 side lunges, 20 reg lunges, 15 calf raises (because I already have big enough calves...).

Hopefully I will get to do this almost everyday and stick with this plan, even if I dont get the running done.

Tomorrow morning I shall pack myself some cereal/oatmeal/instant coffee (I ran out of blue berries ;n;) for breakfast after practice!

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