November 22, 2011

I'm wanting to drop some weight to get to a lower weight category for wrestling... possibly 47? Meaning 2 or 3 kg less than what I already am.

There are several tips on how to lose weight quickly, and in a healthy way... Which fit's into my healthy fitness goal.

1. Drink plenty of water (when you wake up, before a meal, during a meal, and it generally gets rid of toxins in your body as well as makes you feel a bit more full without you actually studding yourself with food).

2. Stay away from sugar (in drinks like juice and coffee/tea with cream and sugar, foods like chocolate etc).

3. Eat more fibre (GO GREENS!) and fruits (YUMMY MY FAVOURITEEE!). (Stay away from dried fruits/ canned fruits because they contain a LOT more sugar than real fruits).

4. Don't skip meals (because then you will feel hungrier later and eat more!)(Breakfast is also the most important meal of the day to fuel your energy, but it does not mean it is the most filling meal of the day).

5. Exercise to burn off those extra calories you might of gained (of you KNOW you've gained if you count your calories).

6. Eat smart (and don't leave out any parts of the food triangle because they're all important!).

7. 50-55% of your meal should be from carbohydrates because they produce glucose which is used by your cells as energy.

8. 25-30% of your diet should contain protein! (But be careful because the average Canadian consumes more protein than is actually needed. Also DO NOT eat any raw meat! They DO NOT contain more protein. Your enzymes actually have a harder time breaking down those un-cooked protein, causing you to have diarrhea.)

9. 15-20% of your diet should be fat. (Fat not as in lard -shivers- but food fats like your fatty acid omega 3 and 6 which come from your vegetables, nuts, and fish!)

10. Make healthy food choices (which really is common sense. Multi grain> white bread, fish > pork, fruits > candy.

11. Cheat... (reward yourselves sometimes.)

12. Fix your posture (no more slouching!!! which turned into a worse habit for me now actually...)

ANYWAYS....... yes. There we go with tips on how to lose weight and to be healthy!

Source CR

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