November 22, 2011

Day 1- Healthy Fitness Goal

Went to my first wrestling tournament today and it was pretty awesome. Not gonna lie, it was real fun.

My goal for today was to at least put up a decent fight and to maybe win at least one match.

Had 3 matches today and the first one was a serious eye opener. She was a rookie but she ended up beating me because I was so nervous and couldn't think straight. Second match was against another rookie girl who lost her match as well. Knowing she was the loser of a match and also seeing how she was a rookie, I started to feel a bit more at ease and use to wrestling someone I don't know. In the end, I ended up defeating her and accidentally giving her a bloody nose half way through the match. The last one... well I was up against the girl who lost going for gold/silver. The out come is pretty obvious but she was quick. She had her arms all wrapped up and twisted around my body before I knew it.
All in all... I think I did okay, lots of things to work on, and my couch finally realizes that I need to wrestle guys because I get more intensity from them (unlike the usual girl I am paired up to wrestle with). Also fufilled my goal so I'm happy!

Learned a lot of new things too all thanks to my coach(s): Mr Kaoud, (Kenny, Adrian, Matt, Mike and Lucky Lucy! LOLOLOLOLOL)

OH and I cracked my phone screen somehow when I underhand tossed it onto a sweater which was also on top of a wrestling mat. Somehow... =________=" So I didn't end up

taking any pictures what so ever (but it probably would of still worked).

Most likely won't be able to move let alone run on a treadmill this week.

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