February 14, 2012

Will you be my Valentine?

My first year spending Valentine's Day with someone.
I have to say... It was pretty nice... and embarrassing.

Went to school today to see all my friends giving out cards, chocolate and baked goods. We took up a good chunk of the hallway, going around giving everyone stuff. It was pretty funny because I realized that we are the only group in school who snap on every holiday. For instance Halloween, we all dressed up, Christmas we took up 5 tables in the caf stacked in presents, and spend the morning giving each other gifts and food. And now today, couples, flowers, cookies, cards, chocolate all in our little circle. Makin our senior year live!

Anyways, expecting this already, I received a candy gram & balloon from Michelle (something we've been doing since grade 10) but to my surprise... I also got ANOTHER candy gram from but anonymous. Meep meep. I couldn't recognize the writing but I had my guesses. At the end of the day I also found a rose in my locker, left by one of my good friends. A yellow rose actually, to symbolize friendship. It was really sweet of him :).

At the end of the day as I was walking out to the front of the school to meet up my boyfriend, I bumped right into him while I turned the corner. Catching him by surprise he just threw a giant bouquet of roses at me! LOL... Not the way he intended to surprise me or give me the roses though, but it was funny now that I think back at it. I was freakin surprised to be honest. It was really really cute of him to give me those roses... TOTALLY was not expecting that but to be honest, I'd rather not have him waste so much money on something like this. Hurts his wallet and makes me feel guilty -cautious laugh- . But I really liked it. A bit embarrassing though at first since all my friends were there and were just "awwing" to embarrass me. Gave him a nice big hug for it though~~
We ended up going out to eat at Pho after an hour of deciding LOL. In the end, we ran out of time and didn't get the chance to go on our coffee shop date but... that's okay~ That can be a plan for another time :3.

Besides all those good things, today was not my day. My original plans to surprise him were sort of backfired because he was planning to skip his last period class, therefore I wan't able to surprise him at his school. My second surprise was to give him the bracelet I made and to surprisingly show him that I have a matching one but.......... his fell out of my pocket at the bus terminal and he saw... so I was just like "wow okay... now that you know... =_= here." LOL.... so fail. Nothing was working out for me. Well now I got some epic planning to do for our one month to make up for my lack of ninja surprise skills. MEH.

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