February 12, 2012

I'm not going to lie... it did bother me at first. But I'm not letting it get to me anymore. Because it's a waste of time, and because I trust you.
I've always disliked those types of people who get overly jealous over people. The ones that don't let their girlfriend or boyfriend have an friends of the opposite gender. I find it really stupid. Yea stupid.
I'm not saying I don't get jealous... I do. But I'm just not the type of people to go ape shit over little things like you talking to another girl or hanging out with them. I would probably get mad if other thing happen though... but I trust you to make good decisions and judgement.

Jealousy in a relationship just means that you care about the relationship, that you cared if someone took them away from you, and that you don't want to lose them. A dash of jealousy is good sometimes.

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