December 4, 2011

I find it how contradictory my aunt and dad can be.

A few days ago my dad came over for dinner. We had a chat about post secondary. He was telling me how I should choose what ever program I wanted to go into and that I shouldn't be worried about if I could get a job or not from it. All that mattered was that I enjoyed the program and what I was learning, even if I have to take another program after my 3 years of what ever, it isn't a total waste since I learned something that could be useful in the future.

On the other hand, my aunt (from my dads side) from Ottawa just called in and had a nice chat with me about post secondary as well. She asked me what I was going into and I told her science. She asked if I ever considered accounting and I told her I did and took two years of accounting but I didn't like it. She said that it is in high demands as well as HR. She said I should reconsider because after going to university, I'm gong to have to find a job and it's going to be hard if it is in a field that is not in high demands. I told her there is no great loss if I do take a program in moderate demands and take longer to find a job because in the end I would like what I do, but she thinks other wise. She then tells me how she was foolish back then and went into fashion and had to work her way around everything to end up being in HR and banking.

She really believes that if you waste your time in fields with low demands, youre going to really regret it in the future but my dad thinks that weather you din a job or not, as long as you take the program you really like, you wont have any regrets in the future and will be happy.

1 comment:

jennifer said...

best thing is balance! i like what your dad says though. most people seem to think that the only reason they need to get a degree is to get a job. that was probably true a long time ago when there were more jobs for people and if you had a university degree it really set you apart. but now there are so many people graduating from university, that you can't depend solely on the degree. sometimes you just gotta work hard and have some luck and make the best out of your situation. also i think it's important to appreciate learning, especially at the university level, for the sake of learning. you're really only paying to be taught something. that money doesn't guarantee you a job and that degree doesn't necessarily tell you what you have to do in the future. BACK UP PLAN: LET'S BE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHERS