My week has been spent well and very fattening doe! :3
Basically got to chill with almost everyone at least ONCE this week so that's good :D.
Did a lot of eating, baking and shopping ... and very little homework Q_Q.
Been browsing for prom dresses this week and sadly still didn't run into any that I like for prom, except this one really nice lace dress, but it was more suitable for a summer dress (and $99), but to be honest, prom has lost the meaning of "formal" to me, I'm also not a type of person who likes formal long, blinged out, puffy dresses... simplicity is my thing so... I'm down to wear a summer dress for prom NGL. And I gotta start getting fit again to fit into a dress (LOL jk im okay but I dont want to get fat over the months)... so speaking of food... This is what I ate or baked this week :D
Mac & Cheese @ Panera, over priced and it wasn't SUPER amazing... but my friend really liked it
Made miniature taro cakes Michelle, Chef Mach and Leslie~

Ate Fish and Chips for the first time with Michelle, at some super old (ghetto looking) place by our house. Turned out to be really good~

Baked a cookies & cream cake (basically an Oreo cake) with Zemil today~ :3... it tasted like a Tim Horton's chocolate muffin in the end LOL But it was good :D
Spent the rest of the day just watching Aladdin with Zemil. This is what happens when you put two Disney fanatics together... HAHA :P But yea, had a good day today ^^.
Oh.. and also "found" this on my desk, a "surprise" gift from him. HAHA too cute :3 thank you so much!!
sorry for the very inconsistent photo mediums...
anywho, time to do homework!........ for the next 3 days.
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