This year our exam was only out of 37. 37 marks from really difficult questions. I probably would of failed if I listened to what my tutor told me to do for the problem sets the teacher gave us, but I ended up getting the right answers (or solving it correctly, which helped me with the exam!
Wow at first I was doing question 1A and B and thought to myself DAMN THIS IS SO EASY I'm going to kill this exam! Then I hit question 1C which I swear to god, only like 6 super smart kids solved it. It was like... logs of trigs and all this shit... I fiddled with it for a min and just skipped that completely because I knew I wouldn't have time for the rest if I tried to solve for it. The last question was one of the hardest questions from the problem sets but I'm glad they put that because it was basically... BASICALLY the EXACT same thing........... so even though I DID NOT understand a SINGLE THING.... I think I still got the right answer because I bull shitted it and tried to make it look like I derived something.. LOL
ANYWAYS STILL SUPER FLUTTERED BECAUSE I DONT KNOW HOW MANY MARKS IM GOING TO LOSE! Just from that 1C question I lost 20% bringing me to at least an 80% on the exam... hopefully I got everything else CORRECT and only lose 1 or 2 mark on the absolute question (since I think I... did it wrong) and THAT's IT. -duck call- I hate exams...
1 down 2 more to go. 加油!!
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