January 29, 2012


This week has probably been the most bizarre time of my life. I'm really confused of what is real and what isn't. There's been so many things happening all at once My mind isn't registering and I can't keep track.

It's like I'm growing so much older just all of a sudden.... Like the growth spurt I'll never have, and this burden of taking responsibilities just multiplied. Guess I've just been trying to avoid reality- the fact that I'm almost a legal adult is just awkward and so... untrue in my mind. But it hit me so late... and now I'm starting to worry about school, and marks more than I ever have. Worried about not being able to get into a university or college and all those thing. My stress level this week just skyrocketed over it's usual threshold and now I'm turning psychotic haha oh my.
Today probably being the craziest day of the whole crazy week... but I realized that I'm actually really blessed; even though I've been screaming "omg fml" and all that crap.
I have many things I'm blessed with as of right now besides the usual.
1. I realized that my marks are not THAT terrible compared to some other classmates who I CAN see having achievements in life.
2. I have pretty good teachers who actually teach me shit... So I don't have to reteach crap to myself.
3. I have my supporting friends struggling with me and supporting me.
4. I let out one of my big secret I've been keeping for these 3 and a half years... And doing so lead me to something amazing that I would have never imagined happening.

So... My life is actually really good right now... I mean come on... I'm still getting free education! :P

Anyways end of my midnight reflection... Got an exam tomorrow afternoon...

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