December 26, 2011

Happy holiday, kiddies!

Spent my Christmas at my cousins house again this year. Didn't feel the same as the usual fam jams though, maybe because of a different location, there was no snow, and it felt like... a summer pot luck barbecue instead of our usual formal dinners. Either way, it was still nice to see all my cousins an just catch up.
We ended up sleeping over since mum was afraid of drunk drivers so I had to bunk with my sister. We stayed up till 3am just talking about... her relationship with her boyfriend. It was sort of weird having this bonding moment with my sister but it was nice... We rarely next to ever do that.
We woke up early morning (or not really early...) the next day to make blueberry and strawberry pancakes!... Didn't turn out as great as I thought it would be though... guess I got to do some tweaking to the recipe.
Headed out to boxing day shopping afterwards! Bought everything I actually needed (winter coat, pants, and underwear) although I found that the sales were pretty ridiculous on my behalf since everything I needed was not on sale... or if it was, it would be $10 off of a 200$ item...
But anyway happy happy day. Haven't been out shopping in a LONG time so... huzzah!

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