November 26, 2011

It's been a month since our last YAD event! When I first walked into the temple and did a half prostration in the main shrine... it really brought back a feeling that I missed; Being at the temple every weekend, seeing my YAD fam and just being in the temple environment. It was really nice.
After reuniting with the YAD fam, we began our cooking class, hosted by Chef Alex, Ben, Phung and Jennipah! We made eggplant potato stew and butter nut squash pie :D ! I have to say, it was pretty successful! I usually don't enjoy eggplants but it was pretty good, and the pie... well lets just say I'm totally down to make this with my sister over the winter holiday.

All in all, it was a really good day, and I missed everyone. I haven't spoken to them in such a long long time so... got some serious catching up to do since I've been neglecting everything but biology and tumblr. HAah.

1 comment:

jennifer said...

i'm craving some now ; 3;