May 21, 2011


my little religion shpeel

Today was our first official YAD activity day(s).
Although, I only attended for one day,I have to say, I learned a LOT about Buddhism and Dharma.

We talked about the different type of caps we put on for our different roles in life; As students, friends, daughter/son and as a YAD member. Some of us said that we could talk and act a lot more open towards our friends, while when we are at home, we are more quiet, and don't really express our selves to our parents. But it's not like we are putting on fake masks, and wearing different ones towards different people... it's more of just different ways to portray yourself in different environments. You are still YOU, but it's as if we are in a cube, and every side is a different location, has different boundaries/rules, and different scenarios. But we are still ourself.

We also learned about the 4 different Bodhisattvas. The Bodhisattvas are beings who have gained enlightenment, but stay back to help humans out.
The two most popular Bodhisattvas are Gaun Yin Bodhisattva, who is the Bodhisattva of compassion. She was originally a Buddha, who "downgraded" herself into a Bodhisattva, because she saw all the people who were still suffering and were in need of help. So she decided to come back and to help us human beings.
The other is Ksitigabha Bodhisattva, who had made an impossible vow to help the hungry ghosts in hell. He vowed that as long as there are ghosts in hell, we will not become a Buddha. It is said that hell has 18 levels with a heavy door to each level which doesn't not allow anyone in or out. Ghosts get tortured in hell for millions and millions of years for all their bad karma. having said that, their minds are filled with pain and hatred. But Ksitigabha Bodhisattva helps them by giving them light and releif. Every time he hits his staff against the floor, the door of hell opens for a few seconds, allowing light into the dark hell, giving the ghosts a few seconds of relief, allowing them to gain some good seeds in their conscious.
The other two Bodhisattvas are Manjusri Bodhisattva who is the Bodhisattva of Wisdom and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva who is the Bodhisattva of Vows. I wont get into great detail on these two Bodhisattvas because... I don't know too much about them, but each and every one of them have a great story behind them.

Today was the most Dharma filled day I have ever ingested...
but to sum everything up, I guess all I can say is that Cherish your life now, for it is highly unlikely for you to be reborn as a human again in your next life. We are lucky to be born as humans.

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