July 25, 2012

This marks the half year

Today is loh gung and my 6th month! It's been half a year already! Dayummm hahaah. I guess a little more special to me than him since I've never been in a relationship (or one that's lasted for THIS long) so I'm REALLY REALLY happy and greatful for this amazing half year :D.

Today we just spend our day at Square One. We didn't really do much besides going there to buy Phung's birthday gift and a uke case. Some other weird things happened today which I wont get into detail but... I ended up tearing up a few times because I'm not really sure... pmsing LOL and was saddened by a few things like how he kept on leaving me u__u" but yea, no big deal I guess I'm not sure why I teared up so many times today but oh well blame it on pms haha.

We wandered around square for a while, and explored. We ended up finding ourselves a nice secret hiding spot where the two of us to just chill on and meet up at. We watched our ghetto sunset (covered by buildings) until we got kicked out by security. We pretty much just went home after and went on a bit of an evening stroll and talked :D. It was really nice.

I got home and got into sorta shit... not really. Mom was just lecturing about going out and how I should be coming home earlier for dinner. She said I'm not even married yet and she's having dinner alone. She's lonely because my sister has work too and she values her family dinner time. Hah guilty.

As for the rest of the week (or my birthday and such).... nothing much happened actually... so I'll just throw in some pictures, since pictures speak a thousand words right?

birthday food :D

the day i locked myelf outside my house

lovely 6 month date with the love of my liiiifeee ♥

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