July 14, 2012

Night It Up!

another year at NIU. Honestly speaking it wasn't as good as last years. this year the performances werent as great in my opinion and there wasn't as much good foods either. a lot of repetitive. maybe it was just good the first time I went. anywho spend the 2nd day of NIU with Zemil which was really fun ^^ hehe ended up going to a little water park and just lying around in the grass, giving each other shoulder massages and getting food for selena while she works. Zemil got majorly injured though today D: we jumped right into a random clothes line while we was sprinting over a sign on the ground. got a few cuts and bad scratches. really scary D:
but he was alright not TOO bad. we tried playing the paper fish net game and ended up catching two! well Zemil did LOL I didn't get any D: we missioned to pets smart to get fish food and water conditioner which was actually really fun and exciting LOL. taking care of a fish hehe. we decided to name them fatty and shitface as a joke but he finally came up with the name Little Dipper and Big Dipper
it was a really fun day today haha well technically yesterday~
well time to sleep! birthday today hurray... I'm legal now LOLOL. yes get to vote! such privileges LOL

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