June 25, 2012

Really Good Day

until I got home of course.

Spent the day looking for something that would make Zemil and I match for tomorrows prom (since we decided not to get a corsage or boutonnière) ... most difficult thing of life! We ended EVENTUALLY finding a tie and handkerchief that was CLOSE to matching my dress colour haha so we just took it. Not even sure how it's going to turn out but heck what ever. Plan B = going in matching sweats and a black hoody HAHA (but I'm pretty sure we'll get kicked out).

Other than that whole headache... It was a really fun and weird day... so many ugly faces and funny jokes haha. Good day good day. I'm not even sure how we understand each other's craziness.
I think we're pretty compatible for each others weirdness... not even eHarmany can find us a better match LOLOLOL because honestly... we do the weirdest shit together. 

Other than that, I helped out a stranger today which got me pretty happy : ).

I was waiting for my bus and several people had came to the stop to wait as well.One of the ladies went up to another lady asking "excuse me.... do you know if i can still use this transfer?" and so the other lady was explaining to her how the transfer works yada yada yada and that her transfer expired at 6:15. Clearly you can tell this is the first time she's taken the bus.
Afterwards she was asking the lady if she knew which bus went down to _______ and ____________~ and so she said something but i couldnt hear, but the lady still had a 'WTF? D:' face. 

Our bus came, we all got on... and that wasnt at first but then came on in the end. The bus driver asked if she was unsure of where she going and she replied "no.... but.... its okay... " so she went on and sat in the middle of the bus while I was sitting right at the front. During the whole ride, she was looking around and down the street with her big lost puppy eyes and i was like "oh my god................. i should talk to her... " even tho im not that familer with buses.... and i felt sooo bad. so....i worked up the guts, got up and sat in front of her, turned around and asked "do you... know where youre going? haha" and she starting crying (not literally)  "OH MY GOD NOOO" and that she was so confused and stuff... and so I tried to explain to her where to get off... or that she could go to the last stop's terminal and ask the info desk which bus to take.

After I gave her my transfer because i know her's expired and mine ended at 8:45, and I didn't need it anyways.She started telling me about  how if this was downtown, she would have known here to go, "i'd be at home" and so i asked her where she lived and had a nice quick conversation about where she was trying to go.When it came to my stop I said I had to go and wished her luck. I got up and shook her and and wished her a nice day and left.

It was pretty fun actually... I hope she made it okay LOL. 
But yea my happiness was short lived. I got home and mom was just being a bother. Have a headache and I'm really sore tired right now... I'm not sure why but hopefully I'm not getting sick.

Proms tomorrow!... and thank god it only happens once in your life... This shit is expensive, tiresome and too much work. Fack it

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